Sunday, February 18, 2007

Warning Bright Suduko!

Told you it was bright. There will be black binding to add the final frame. The top photo show the colours best.

Loretta tell me the truth.

Elaine and Lynette I think you are very brave!!!

Thanks, Jodie


Joyce said...

I don't think a quilt can be too bright. I love it.

Helen said...

Lovely blocks.

Elaine Adair said...

Is this the one that you are not liking? I think it's great. Sometimes I finish a quilt and may not be thrilled, but it's still a quilt and "It is what it is"! It's kinda retro, 60 ish (my teen years, so that's OK) and it will do the job of keeping a body warm. You did fine.

Good luck with possible rain. Our annual rainfall here is 13 inches, but lately we've only had half of that. All small lakes are dry, our very nice boat sits in the garage.