Monday, June 21, 2010

18, 19 & 20

snapshots in june.....

I have a little dilemma! We have had a HUGE weekend.

a little friend of ours won her tennis final and there was a whole crowd of us gathered to cheer her on.

my elder daughter, Miss Paradise made her first Holy Communion and she looked beautiful - my totally unbiased opinion of course.

and, my mum turned 70 and I put on a special lunch for her.

So what is the problem you ask? I have made a conscious decision not to post photos of my girls on my blog, now that they are older and they have their own lives. I protect them fiercely as is my right as their mother. BUT as they are the feature of many of my photos, it means I have nothing to show you of our wonderful weekend.

You will just have to take my word for it! So instead I give you a pic of some purple gorgeousness growing in the garden on one of our neighbours.

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Anonymous said...

LOL! 'spose you can't really post photos will all their heads cut off?? Could you?

Leanne said...

It's a wonder you are still functioning that sounds like an exhausting weekend.