Monday, December 27, 2010


SR = Sent and received (lingo learnt from Chooky)

In this years SSCS I received my gift from Terry. Lucky Me! If you remember back to my post when I received the parcel well the goods description for customs was QUILT, and a quilt it was. I LOVE IT!

Now I must apologise for the quality of these photos, it has been raining NON STOP since at least Friday and it is very grey. But I had to share.

Ta Dah!

Here are some other goodies that were included, the needle book I shared when I opened the card, but I got some soap, a memo pad and pen and some variegated DMC.

Now to take these pics I cleared away Christmas from the dining room table. The dark blue at the head of the table is Mr P, thinking he is funny!

to show you how perfect the colours are, here is the bowl that normally sits on the table in non Christmas times......

the gold in the base and opal effect of the bowl work perfectly.

If you walked into our house you wouldn't know that I sew, or crochet, or probably even scrapbook. I am always making something for someone else. It is so nice to have something for me out on show. Thanks Terry.

Here is what I sent to Ruth

The colours are not true. Ruth likes brights. The lower part of the bag is hot pink and the top purple, with turquoise in between.

Thanks Chookster for another great swap.



Chookyblue...... said...

wow perfect does that quilt suit.......

also love what you sent to Ruth too.......

Thanks for being part of the SSCS 2010.......

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Jode...your table topper is just so lovely...Terry has done a fantastic job.....and Ruth has one of your gorgeous bags...lovely gifts..

Leanne said...

That table topper is fantastic with your bowl they were meant to be. I talked to my friend today she assures me she is growing gills.
Nice gift for Ruth a lovely bright bag one can never have toooooo many bags.

Terry said...

You're welcome Jodie! I'm so glad you like the quilt! I can't believe how well the colors go with your decor! :0)